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Full Professor Lecturing: Control E-mail: igor[dot]skrjanc[at]fe[dot]uni-lj[dot]si
Igor Škrjanc received the B.Sc., the M.Sc. and the Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering, in 1988, 1991 and 1996, respectively, from the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. His main research interests are in adaptive, predictive, fuzzy and fuzzy adaptive control systems. This was also the title of his Ph.D. thesis. In 2007 he received the highest research award of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Vodovnikova award and in 2008, award of the Republic of Slovenia for Scientific and Research Achievements
(awarded by Government of the Republic of Slovenia), Zois award for outstanding research results in the field of intelligent control. He also received the Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers for the period between 2009-2011 for the research work at University of Siegen.
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Selected references:
- Nikolaus Euler-Rolle, Christian H. Mayr, Igor Škrjanc, Stefan Jakubek, Gorazd Karer. Automated vehicle driveaway with a manual dry clutch on chassis dynamometers: Efficient identification and decoupling control. ISA Transactions 98 (2020) 237–250, 2020.
- Diego Munoz-Carpintero, Sebastián Parra, Oscar Cartagena, Doris Sáez, Luis G. Marin, Igor Skrjanc. Fuzzy Interval Modelling based on Joint Supervision. FUZZ-IEEE 2020: 1-8, 2020.
- Saso Blazic, Igor Skrjanc. Hybrid System Identification by Incremental Fuzzy C-regression Clustering. FUZZ-IEEE 2020: 1-7, 2020.
- Dejan Dovzan, Igor Skrjanc. Fuzzy Space Partitioning Based on Hyperplanes Defined by Eigenvectors for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Model Identification. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 67(6): 5144-5153 (2020), 2020.
- Cristiano Garcia, Daniel F. Leite, Igor Skrjanc. Incremental Missing-Data Imputation for Evolving Fuzzy Granular Prediction. IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst. 28(10): 2348-2362 (2020), 2020.
- Igor Skrjanc. Cluster-Volume-Based Merging Approach for Incrementally Evolving Fuzzy Gaussian Clustering eGAUSS. IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst. 28(9): 2222-2231 (2020), 2020.
- Saso Blazic, Igor Skrjanc. Incremental Fuzzy C-Regression Clustering From Streaming Data for Local-Model-Network Identification. IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst. 28(4): 758-767 (2020), 2020.
- Daniel F. Leite, Goran Andonovski, Igor Skrjanc, Fernando A. C. Gomide:. Optimal Rule-Based Granular Systems From Data Streams. IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst. 28(3): 583-596 (2020), 2020.
- Anton Sodja, Igor Skrjanc, Borut Zupancic. Cyber-physical modelling in Modelica with model-reduction techniques. J. Syst. Softw. 163: 110517 (2020), 2020.
- Fabricio Lucas, Pyramo Costa, Rose Batalha, Daniel f. Leite, Igor Škrjanc. Fault detection in smart grids with time-varying distributed generation using wavelet energy and evolving neural networks. Evol. Syst. 11(2): 165-180 (2020), 2020.
- Daniel F. Leite, Igor Škrjanc, Fernando A. C. Gomide. An overview on evolving systems and learning from stream data. Evol. Syst. 11(2):181-198 (2020), 2020.
- Aljaž Blažič. Ocenjevanje temperature taline v elektroobločni peči z uporabo mehkega modeliranja. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 2020.
- Uroš Petković. Analiza mehkega samorazvijajočega se sistema na osnovi Gaussovega rojenja. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 2020.
- Andrej Zdesar, Gregor Klancar, Igor Skrjanc. Vision-based Localization of a Wheeled Mobile Robot with a Stereo Camera on a Pan-tilt Unit. ICINCO (2) 2019: 544-551, 2019.
- Daniel F. Leite, Fernando A. C. Gomide, Igor Skrjanc. Multiobjective Optimization of Fully Autonomous Evolving Fuzzy Granular Models. FUZZ-IEEE 2019: 1-7, 2019.
- Daniel F. Leite, Charles Aguiar, Daniel Pereira, Gustavo Souza, Igor Skrjanc. Nonlinear Fuzzy State-Space Modeling and LMI Fuzzy Control of Overhead Cranes. FUZZ-IEEE 2019: 1-6, 2019.
- Yadollah Saboohi, Amirhossein Fathi, Igor Skrjanc, Vito Logar. Optimization of the Electric Arc Furnace Process. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 66(10): 8030-8039 (2019), 2019.
- Simon Tomazic, Dejan Dovzan, Igor Skrjanc. Confidence-Interval-Fuzzy-Model-Based Indoor Localization. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 66(3): 2015-2024 (2019), 2019.
- Anton Sodja, Igor Skrjanc, Borut Zupancic. Realization-preserving model reduction of object-oriented models using energy-based metrics. Simul. 95(7) (2019), 2019.
- Cristiano Garcia, Ahmed Esmin, Daniel F. Leite, Igor Skrjanc. Evolvable fuzzy systems from data streams with missing values: With application to temporal pattern recognition and cryptocurrency prediction. Pattern Recognit. Lett. 128: 278-282 (2019), 2019.
- Igor Skrjanc, José Antonio Iglesias, Araceli Sanchis, Daniel F. Leite, Edwin Lughofer, Fernando A. C. Gomide. Evolving fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy approaches in clustering, regression, identification, and classification: A Survey. Inf. Sci. 490: 344-368 (2019), 2019.
- Igor Skrjanc, Saso Blazic, Edwin Lughofer, Dejan Dovzan. Inner matrix norms in evolving Cauchy possibilistic clustering for classification and regression from data streams. Inf. Sci. 478: 540-563 (2019), 2019.
- Daniel Leite, Igor Škrjanc. Ensemble of evolving optimal granular experts, OWA aggregation, and time series prediction. Information Sciences 504 (2019) 95–112, 2019.
- Gregor Klančar, Marija Seder, Sašo Blažič, Igor Škrjanc, and Ivan Petrović. Drivable path planning using hybrid search algorithm based on E* and Bernstein-Bezier motion primitives. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS: SYSTEMS, 2019.
- KLANČAR, Gregor, BLAŽIČ, Sašo. Optimal constant acceleration motion primitives. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2019.2927124, 2019.
- Y. Saboohi, A. Fathi, I. Škrjanc, V. Logar. Optimization of the electric arc furnace process. IEEE transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. , No. , pp. 1-10, 2019.
- Simon Tomazic, Igor Skrjanc. Indoor RSSI-based Localization using Fuzzy Path Loss Models. FUZZ-IEEE 2018: 1-8, 2018.
- Goran Andonovski, Saso Blazic, Igor Skrjanc. Partial cloud-based evolving method for fault detection of HVAC system. FUZZ-IEEE 2018: 1-6, 2018.
- Gregor Cerne, Igor Skrjanc. Initial study on evolving state space neural networks (eSSNN). EAIS 2018: 1-8, 2018.
- Andrej Zdesar, Igor Skrjanc. Optimum Velocity Profile of Multiple Bernstein-Bézier Curves Subject to Constraints for Mobile Robots. ACM Trans. Intell. Syst. Technol. 9(5): 56:1-56:23 (2018), 2018.
- Gregor Cerne, Dejan Dovzan, Igor Skrjanc. Short-Term Load Forecasting by Separating Daily Profiles and Using a Single Fuzzy Model Across the Entire Domain. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 65(9): 7406-7415 (2018), 2018.
- Edwin Lughofer, Mahardhika Pratama, Igor Skrjanc. Incremental Rule Splitting in Generalized Evolving Fuzzy Systems for Autonomous Drift Compensation. IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst. 26(4) 1854-1865 (2018), 2018.
- Gregor Černe, Dejan Dovžan, Igor Škrjanc. Short-term load forecasting by separating daily profiles and using a single fuzzy model across the entire domain. IEEE, 2018.
- Andrej Zdešar, Igor Škrjanc. Optimum Velocity Profile of Multiple Bernstein-Bézier Curves Subject to Constraints for Mobile Robots. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1, Article 1, 2018.
- Robert Baždarić , Danjel Vončina, Igor Škrjanc. Comparison of Novel Approaches to the Predictive Control of a DC-DC Boost Converter, Based on Heuristics. Energies 2018, 11, 3300, 2018.
- Igor Skrjanc, Goran Andonovski, Agapito Ledezma, Oscar Sipele, José Antonio Iglesias, Araceli Sanchis. Evolving cloud-based system for the recognition of drivers actions. Expert Syst. Appl. 99: 231-238 (2018), 2018.
- Goran Andonovski, Gasper Music, Saso Blazic, Igor Skrjanc. Evolving model identification for process monitoring and prediction of non-linear systems. Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell. 68: 214-221 (2018), 2018.
- Goran Andonovski, Bruno Sielly Jales Costa, Saso Blazic, Igor Skrjanc. Robust evolving controller for simulated surge tank and for real two-tank plant. Autom. 66(9): 725-734 (2018), 2018.
- Mahardhika Pratama, Edwin Lughofer, Suresh Sundaram, Moamar Sayed Mouchaweh, Igor Skrjanc, Fahed Mostafa. Editorial: Special issue on Advanced Soft Computing for Prognostic Health Management. Appl. Soft Comput. 72: 552-554 (2018), 2018.
- Antonio Bayas, Igor Skrjanc, Doris Sáez. Design of fuzzy robust control strategies for a distributed solar collector field. Appl. Soft Comput. 71: 1009-1019 (2018), 2018.
- Igor Skrjanc, Seiichi Ozawa, Tao Ban, Dejan Dovzan. Large-scale cyber attacks monitoring using Evolving Cauchy Possibilistic Clustering. Appl. Soft Comput. 62: 592-601 (2018), 2018.
- Y. Saboohi, A. Fathi, I. Škrjanc, V. Logar. EAF heat recovery from incident radiation on water-cooled panels using a thermophotovoltaic system : a conceptual study. Steel Research International, Vol. 89, No. 4, pp. 1 - 8, 2018.
- ŠKRJANC, Igor, ANDONOVSKI, Goran, LEDEZMA, Agapito, SPIELE, Oscar. Evolving cloud-based system for the recognition of drivers’ actions. Expert Systems With Applications 99 (2018) 231–238, 2018.
- ANDONOVSKI, Goran, MUŠIČ, Gašper, BLAŽIČ, Sašo, ŠKRJANC, Igor. Evolving model identification for process monitoring and prediction of non-linear systems. Engineering applications of artificial intelligence, vol. 68, pp. 214-221, 2018.
- Igor Skrjanc, Saso Blazic. 2017 Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems. EAIS 2017, 2017.
- Igor Skrjanc, Seiichi Ozawa, Dejan Dovzan, Tao Ban, Junji Nakazato, Jumpei Shimamura. Evolving cauchy possibilistic clustering and its application to large-scale cyberattack monitoring. SSCI 2017: 1-7, 2017.
- Simon Tomazic, Igor Skrjanc. Bluetooth localization based on fuzzy models and particle swarm optimization. IPIN 2017: 1-8, 2017.
- Igor Skrjanc, Araceli Sanchis de Miguel, José Antonio Iglesias, Agapito Ledezma, Dejan Dovzan. Evolving Cauchy possibilistic clustering based on cosine similarity for monitoring cyber systems. EAIS 2017: 1-5, 2017.
- Edwin Lughofer, Mahardhika Pratama, Igor Skrjanc. Incremental rule splitting in generalized evolving fuzzy regression models. EAIS 2017: 1-8, 2017.
- Goran Andonovski, Plamen P. Angelov, Saso Blazic, Igor Skrjanc. Robust Evolving Cloud-based Controller (RECCo). EAIS 2017: 1-6, 2017.
- Matevz Bosnak, Igor Skrjanc. Efficient Time-To-Collision Estimation for a Braking Supervision System with LIDAR. CYBCONF 2017: 1-6, 2017.
- Igor Skrjanc, Gregor Klancar. A comparison of continuous and discrete tracking-error model-based predictive control for mobile robots. Robotics Auton. Syst. 87: 177-187 (2017), 2017.
- Maša Kandušer , Aleš Belič, Selma Čorović, Igor Škrjanc. Modular Serial Flow Through device for pulsed electric field treatment of the liquid samples. Scientific ReporTS 7: 8115 DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-08620-8, 2017.
- Robert Baždarić, Drago Matko, Aleš Leban, Danjel Vončina, Igor Škrjanc. Fuzzy model predictive control of a DC-DC boost converter based on non-linear model identification. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 23:2, 116-134, 2017.
- Robert Baždarić. Pristopi vodenja preklopnih hibridnih sistemov na podlagi mehkih modelov. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 2017.
- Y. Saboohi, A. Fathi, I. Škrjanc, V. Logar. Additional slag doors for increased EAF efficiency : a conceptual study. ISIJ International, Vol. 57, No. 8, pp. 1393-1398, 2017.
- A. Fathi, Y. Saboohi, I. Škrjanc, V. Logar. Comprehensive electric arc furnace model for simulation purposes and model-based control. Steel Research International, Vol. 88, No. 3, pp. 1 - 22, 2017.
- ŠKRJANC, Igor, KLANČAR, Gregor. A comparison of continuous and discrete tracking-error model-based predictive control for mobile robots. Robotics and autonomous systems, vol. 87, pp. 177-187, 2017.
- Saso Blazic, Igor Skrjanc. Problems of Identification of Cloud-Based Fuzzy Evolving Systems. ICAISC (1) 2016: 173-18, 2016.
- Goran Andonovski, Antonio Bayas, Doris Sáez, Saso Blazic, Igor Skrjanc. Robust evolving cloud-based control for the distributed solar collector field. FUZZ-IEEE 2016: 1570-1577, 2016.
- Dejan Dovzan, Igor Skrjanc. Evolving fuzzy model for short-term prediction of energy consumption profiles. EAIS 2016: 98-102, 2016.
- Goran Andonovski, Gasper Music, Saso Blazic, Igor Skrjanc. Evolving fuzzy model based performance identification for production control. EAIS 2016: 85-91, 2016.
- Dejan Dovzan, Vito Logar, Igor Skrjanc. Evolving Fuzzy Model (eFuMo) Method for On-line Fuzzy Model Learning with Application to Monitoring System. Simul. Notes Eur. 26(4): 205-220 (2016), 2016.
- Nikolaus Euler-Rolle, Igor Škrjanc, Christoph Hametner, Stefan Jakubek. Automated generation of feedforward contro lusing feedback linearization oflocalmodelnetworks. Engineering ApplicationsofArtificial Intelligence50(2016)320–330, 2016.
- Matevž Bošnak, Igor Škrjanc. Embedded Control System for Smart Walking Assistance Device. IEEE Trans. On neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 1534-4320 2016, 2016.
- Goran Andonovski, Gašper Mušič, Sašo Blažič, Igor Škrjanc. On-line Evolving Cloud-based Model Identification for Production Control. IFAC-PapersOnLine 49-5 (2016) 079–084, 2016.
- V. Logar, A. Fathi, I. Škrjanc. A computational model for heat transfer coefficient estimation in electric arc furnace. Steel Research International, Vol. 87, No. 3, pp. 330-338, 2016.
- ANDONOVSKI, Goran, ANGELOV, Plamen, BLAŽIČ, Sašo, ŠKRJANC. A practical implementation of Robust Evolving Cloud-based Controller with normalized data space for heat-exchanger plant. Applied soft computing, vol. 48, pp. 29-38, 2016.
- Plamen P. Angelov, Igor Skrjanc, Saso Blazic. A Robust Evolving Cloud-Based Controller. Handbook of Computational Intelligence 2015: 1435-1449, 2015.
- Igor Skrjanc, Dejan Dovzan. Evolving Gustafson-kessel Possibilistic c-Means Clustering. INNS Conference on Big Data 2015: 191-198, 2015.
- Goran Andonovski, Saso Blazic, Plamen P. Angelov, Igor Skrjanc. Robust Evolving Cloud-based Controller in normalized data space for heat-exchanger plant. FUZZ-IEEE 2015: 1-7, 2015.
- Dejan Dovzan, Igor Skrjanc. Possible use of evolving c-regression clustering for energy consumption profiles classification. EAIS 2015: 1-6, 2015.
- Goran Andonovski, Saso Blazic, Plamen Angelov, Igor Skrjanc. Analysis of adaptation law of the robust evolving cloud-based controller. EAIS 2015: 1-7, 2015.
- Marko Hancic, Gorazd Karer, Igor Skrjanc. Modeling, Simulation and Control of a Loading Bridge. Simul. Notes Eur. 25(3-4): 165-170 (2015), 2015.
- Gregor Klancar, Igor Skrjanc. Evolving principal component clustering with a low run-time complexity for LRF data mapping. Appl. Soft Comput. 35: 349-358 (2015), 2015.
- Andrej Steyer, Ion Gutiérrez-Aguirre, Nejc Rački, Sara Beigot Glaser, Barbara Brajer Humar, Marjeta Stražar, Igor Škrjanc, et al.. The Detection Rate of Enteric Viruses and Clostridium difficile in a Waste Water Treatment Plant Effluent. Food and Environmental Virology Food Environ Virol (2015) 7:164-172 DOI 10.1007/s12560-015-9183-7, 2015.
- Simon Tomažič, Igor Škrjanc. Fusion of visual odometry and inertial navigation system on a smartphone. Comput. Ind. 74: 119-134 (2015), 2015.
- Igor Škrjanc. Evolving Fuzzy-Model-Based Design of Experiments With Supervised Hierarchical Clustering. IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst. 23(4): 861-871 (2015), 2015.
- Robert Baždarić, Igor Škrjanc, Drago Matko. Two Degrees of Freedom in the Control of a DC-DC Boost Converter, Fuzzy Identified Explicit Model in Feed-forward Line Line. J Intell Robot Syst DOI 10.1007/s10846-015-0215-1, 2015.
- Andrej Zdešar. Vodenje avtonomnega mobilnega sistema z robotsko roko na osnovi digitalne slike. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 2015.
- A. Fathi, Y. Saboohi, I. Škrjanc, V. Logar. Low computational-complexity model of EAF arc-heat distribution. ISIJ International, Vol. 55, No. 7, pp. 1353 - 1360, 2015.
- T. Meier, V. Logar, T. Echterhof, I. Škrjanc, H. Pfeifer. Modelling and simulation of the melting process in electric arc furnaces - influence of numerical solution methods. Steelresearch International, Vol. 86, 2015.
- D. Dovžan, V. Logar, I. Škrjanc. Implementation of an evolving fuzzy model (eFuMo) in a monitoring system for a waste-water treatment process. IEEE transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 1761 - 1775, 2015.
- KLANČAR, Gregor, ŠKRJANC, Igor. Evolving principal component clustering with a low run-time complexity for LRF data mapping. Applied soft computing, Vol. 35, pp. 349-358, 2015.
- Andrej Zdesar, Dejan Dovzan, Igor Skrjanc. A 2 DOF predictive control based on evolving fuzzy model. EAIS 2014: 1-6, 2014.
- Igor Skrjanc, Dejan Dovzan, Fernando A. C. Gomide. Evolving fuzzy-madel-based on c-regression clustering.. EAIS 2014: 1-7, 2014.
- Igor Skrjanc, Saso Blazic, Plamen P. Angelov. Robust evolving cloud-based PID control adjusted by gradient learning method. EAIS 2014: 1-8, 2014.
- Raul Rosa, Fernando A. C. Gomide, Dejan Dovzan, Igor Skrjanc. Evolving neural network with extreme learning for system modeling. EAIS 2014: 1-7, 2014.
- Dejan Dovzan, Saso Blazic, Igor Skrjanc. Towards evolving fuzzy reference controller. EAIS 2014: 1-8, 2014.
- Saso Blazic, Dejan Dovzan, Igor Skrjanc. Cloud-based identification of an evolving system with supervisory mechanisms. ISIC 2014: 1906-1911, 2014.
- Andrej Zdesar, Igor Skrjanc, Gregor Klancar. Homography estimation from circular motion for use in visual control. Robotics Auton. Syst. 62(10): 1486-1496 (2014), 2014.
- Gregor Klancar, Luka Teslic, Igor Skrjanc. Mobile-robot pose estimation and environment mapping using an extended Kalman filter. Int. J. Syst. Sci. 45(12): 2603-2618 (2014), 2014.
- Aleksander Preglej, Jakob Rehrl, Daniel Schwingshackld, Igor Steinera, Martin Hornc, Igor Škrjanc. Energy-efficient fuzzy model-based multivariable predictive controlof a HVAC system. Energy and Buildings 82 (2014) 520–533, 2014.
- Klemen Nagode, Igor Škrjanc. Modelling and Internal Fuzzy Model Power Control of a Francis Water Turbine. Energies 2014, 7, 874-889, 2014.
- Saso Blazic, Igor Skrjanc, Drago Matko. A robust fuzzy adaptive law for evolving control systems. Evol. Syst. 5(1): 3-10 (2014), 2014.
- José Antonio Iglesias, Igor Skrjanc. Applications, results and future direction (EAIS 12). Evol. Syst. 5(1): 1-2 (2014), 2014.
- Andrej Zdesar, Dejan Dovzan, Igor Skrjanc. Self-tuning of 2 DOF control based on evolving fuzzy model. Appl. Soft Comput. 19: 403-418 (2014), 2014.
- Igor Škrjanc, Barbara Šubic. Control of indoor CO2 concentration based on a process model. Automation in Construction 42 (2014) 122–126, 2014.
- Alfredo Núnez, Bart De Schutter, Doris Sáez, Igor Skrjanc. Hybrid-fuzzy modeling and identification. Appl. Soft Comput. 17: 67-78 (2014), 2014.
- Andrej Zdešar, Igor Škrjanc, Gregor Klančar. Homography estimation from circular motion for use in visual control. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 62 (2014) 1486–1496, 2014.
- V. Logar, D. Dovžan, I. Škrjanc. International patent: GB 2507116 B - Soft sensor for online estimation of the steel bath temperature in an electric furnace (EAF). Newport: Intellectual Property Office, 2014.
- V. Logar, Ž. Kristl, I. Škrjanc. Using a fuzzy black-box model to estimate the indoor illuminance in buildings. Energy and Buildings, Vol. 70, pp. 343 - 351, 2014.
- Dejan Dovžan. Rekurzivna mehka identifikacija v vodenju in nadzoru procesov. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 2013.
- Andrej Zdesar, Gregor Klancar, Gasper Music, Drago Matko, Igor Skrjanc. Design of the image-based satellite attitude control algorithm. ICAT 2013: 1-8, 2013.
- Saso Blazic, Igor Skrjanc. A Robust Fuzzy Adaptive Control Algorithm for a Class of Nonlinear Systems. ICANNGA 2013: 297-306, 2013.
- Plamen P. Angelov, Igor Skrjanc, Saso Blazic. Robust evolving cloud-based controller for a hydraulic plant. EAIS 2013: 1-8, 2013.
- Bruno Sielly Jales Costa, Igor Skrjanc, Saso Blazic, Plamen Angelov. A practical implementation of self-evolving cloud-based control of a pilot plant. CYBCONF 2013: 7-12, 2013.
- Drago Matko, Matija Arh, Igor Skrjanc, Tine Tomazic. Self-tuning Dynamic Matrix Control of two-axis autopilot for small aeroplanes. ASCC 2013: 1-6, 2013.
- Derong Liu, Charles Anderson, Ahmad Taher Azar, Giorgio Battistelli, Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Cristiano Cervellera, David A. Elizondo, Maurizio Filippone, Giorgio Gnecco, Xiaolin Hu, Tingwen Huang, Weifeng Liu, Wenlian Lu, Ana Maria Madureira, Igor Skrjanc, Thomas Villmann, Q. M. Jonathan Wu, Shengli Xie, Dong Xu. Editorial A Successful Change From TNN to TNNLS and a Very Successful Year. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks Learn. Syst. 24(1): 1-7 (2013), 2013.
- Andrej Zdesar, Otto Cerman, Dejan Dovzan, Petr Husek, Igor Skrjanc. Fuzzy Control of a Helio-Crane - Comparison of Two Control Approaches. J. Intell. Robotic Syst. 72(3-4): 497-515 (2013), 2013.
- Gorazd Karer, Igor Skrjanc. Predictive Approaches to Control of Complex Systems. Studies in Computational Intelligence 454, Springer 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-33946-2, pp. 3-256, 2013.
- S. Tomažič, V. Logar, Ž. Kristl, A. Krainer, I. Škrjanc, M. Košir. Indoor-environment simulator for control design purposes. Building and environment, Vol. 70, pp. 60 - 72, 2013.
- KLANČAR, Gregor, TESLIĆ, Luka, ŠKRJANC, Igor. Mobile-robot pose estimation and environment mapping using an extended Kalman filter. International Journal of Systems Science, DOI 10.1080/00207721.2013.775379, 2013.
- Gregor Klancar, Igor Skrjanc. Robot Localization Using Inertial and Wi-Fi Signal Strength Sensors. SyRoCo 2012: 139-144, 2012.
- Dejan Dovzan, Vito Logar, Igor Skrjanc. Solving the sales prediction problem with fuzzy evolving methods. FUZZ-IEEE 2012: 1-8, 2012.
- Saso Blazic, Igor Skrjanc, Drago Matko. A new fuzzy adaptive law with leakage. EAIS 2012: 47-50, 2012.
- Dejan Dovzan, Vito Logar, Igor Skrjanc. Solving the sales prediction problem with fuzzy evolving methods. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2012: 1-8, 2012.
- Andrej Zdešar, Igor Škrjanc, Gregor Klančar. Visual Trajectory-Tracking Model-Based Control for Mobile Robots. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2012.
- Dejan Dovžan, Igor Škrjanc. Control of mineral wool thickness using predictive functional control. Robotics andComputer-IntegratedManufacturing28(2012)344–350, 2012.
- V. Logar, I. Škrjanc. Development of an Electric Arc Furnace Simulator Considering Thermal, Chemical and Electrical Aspects. ISIJ International, Vol. 52, No. 10, pp. 1924-1926, 2012.
- V. Logar, I. Škrjanc. Modelling and validation of the radiative heat transfer in an electric arc furnace. ISIJ International, Vol. 52, No. 7, pp. 1233-1240, 2012.
- V. Logar, D. Dovžan, I. Škrjanc. Modeling and validation of an electric arc furnace: Part 2, thermo-chemistry. ISIJ International, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 414-424, 2012.
- V. Logar, D. Dovžan, I. Škrjanc. Modeling and validation of an electric arc furnace: Part 1, heat and mass transfer. ISIJ International, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 402-413, 2012.
- Aleksander Preglej, Rihard Karba, Igor Steiner, Igor Škrjanc. Mathematical Model of an Autoclave. Journal of Mechanical Engineering 57(2011)6, 503-516, 2011.
- Dejan Dovžan, Igor Škrjanc. Recursive fuzzy c-means clustering for recursive fuzzy identification of time-varying processes. ISA Transactions, 2011.
- Igor Škrjanc. Fuzzy confidence interval for pH titration curve. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2011.
- Simon Stampar, Sasa Sokolic, Gorazd Karer, Alenka Znidarsic, Igor Skrjanc. Theoretical and fuzzy modelling of a pharmaceutical batch reactor. Math. Comput. Model. 53(5-6): 637-645 (2011), 2011.
- Dejan Dovzan, Igor Skrjanc. Recursive clustering based on a Gustafson-Kessel algorithm. Evol. Syst. 2(1): 15-24 (2011), 2011.
- Benjamin Hartmann, Oliver Bänfer, Oliver Nelles, Anton Sodja, Luka Teslic, Igor Skrjanc. Supervised Hierarchical Clustering in Fuzzy Model Identification. IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst. 19(6): 1163-1176 (2011), 2011.
- Luka Teslić, Benjamin Hartmann, Oliver Nelles, and Igor Škrjanc. Nonlinear System Identification by Gustafson–Kessel Fuzzy Clustering and Supervised Local Model Network Learning for the Drug Absorption Spectra Process. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 22(12): 1941-1951 (2011), 2011.
- Dejan Dovžan, Vito Logar, Nadja Hvala, Igor Škrjanc. Monitoring and sensor fault detection in a waste-water treatment process based on a fuzzy model. Electrotechnical Review XX(Y): 1–5, 2011, 2011.
- Dejan Dovžan, Vito Logar, Nadja Hvala, Igor Škrjanc. Zaznavanje napak in spremljanje čiščenja odpadnih voda na podlagi mehkega modela. Elektrotehniški vestnik XX(Y): 1–5, 2011, 2011.
- Luka Teslić. Lokalizacija mobilnega robota na osnovi ocenjenih daljic iz okolja z uporabo razširjenega Kalmanovega filtra. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 2011.
- V. Logar, D. Dovžan, I. Škrjanc. Mathematical modeling and experimental validation of an electric arc furnace. ISIJ International, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 382-391, 2011.
- Gorazd Karer, Gašper Mušič, Igor Škrjanc, Borut Zupančič. Feedforward control of a class of hybrid systems using an inverse model. Mathematics and computers in simulation, 2011.
- Diego Munoz-Carpintero, Doris Sáez, Igor Skrjanc. Hybrid predictive control design with mixed inputs based on PSO and its application for control of a Batch Reactor. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2010: 1-8, 2010.
- Simon Oblak, Tufan Kumbasar, Igor Skrjanc, Engin Yesil. Inverse-model predictive control based on INFUMO-BB-BC optimization. ALCOSP 2010: 294-299, 2010.
- Claudiu Pozna, Radu-Emil Precup, József K. Tar, Igor Škrjanc, Stefan Preitl. New results in modelling derived from Bayesian filtering. Knowledge-Based Systems 23 (2010) 182–194, 2010.
- Simon Štampar, Saša Sokolič, Gorazd Karer, Alenka Žnidaršič, Igor Škrjanc. Razvoj teoretičnega in hibridnega mehkega modela šaržnega reaktorja. Elektrotehniški vestnik 77(4): 208-214, 2010, 2010.
- Dejan Dovžan, Igor Škrjanc. Predictive functional control based on an adaptive fuzzy model of a hybrid semi-batchr eactor. Control EngineeringPractice, 2010.
- KLANČAR, Gregor, ŠKRJANC, Igor. A case study of the collision-avoidance problem based on Bernstein-Bézier path tracking for multiple robots with known constraints. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2010.
- S. Blažič, D. Matko, I. Škrjanc. Adaptive law with a new leakage term. IET Control Theory Appl., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 9, pp. 1533–1542, 2010.
- Teslić, L., Škrjanc, I., Klančar, G.. EKF-Based Localization of a Wheeled Mobile Robot in Structured Environments. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, DOI 10.1007/s10846-010-9441-8, 2010.
- Teslić, L., Škrjanc, I., Klančar, G.. Using a LRF sensor in the Kalman-filtering-based localization of a mobile robot. ISA Transactions 49 (2010) 145-153, 2010.
- Škrjanc, I., Klančar, G.. Optimal cooperative collision avoidance between multiple robots based on Bernstein-Bézier curves. Robots and Autonomous Systems, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 1-9, 2010.
- Alfredo Núnez, Doris Sáez, Simon Oblak, Igor Škrjanc. Fuzzy-model-based hybrid predictive control. ISA Transactions 48 (2009) 24-31, 2009.
- Dejan Dovzan, Borut Zupancic, Gorazd Karer, Igor Skrjanc. Multi-Domain Modelling - An Advantage In Modelling, Simulation And Control Education. ECMS 2009: 606-612, 2009.
- Benjamin Hartmann, Oliver Nelles, Igor Skrjanc, Anton Sodja. SUpervised HIerarchical CLUSTering (SUHICLUST) for nonlinear system identification. CICA 2009: 41-48, 2009.
- Simon Oblak, Igor Škrjanc. Continuous-time Wiener-model predictive control of a pH process based on a PWL approximation. Chemical Engineering Science, 2009.
- Igor Škrjanc. Confidence interval of fuzzy models: An example using a waste-water treatment plant. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 96 (2009) 182–187, 2009.
- A. Belič, I. Škrjanc, D. Zupančič-Božič, F. Vrečer. Tableting process optimisation with the application of fuzzy models. International Journal of Pharmaceutics vol. 389 no. 1/2, pp., 2009.
- Blažič, S., I. Škrjanc, S. Gerkšič, G. Dolanc, S. Strmčnik, M. Hadjiski, A. Stathaki. Online fuzzy identification for an intelligent controller based on a simple platform. Eng. appl. artif. intell., Vol. 22, No. 4/5, pp. 628-638, 2009.
- A. Belič, I. Škrjanc, D. Zupančič-Božič, R. Karba, F. Vrečer. Minimisation of the capping tendency by tableting process optimisation with the application of artificial neural networks and fuzzy models. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, vol 73, no. 1, pp. 172-178, 2009.
- Simon Oblak. Intervalni mehki modeli v prediktivnem vodenju in zaznavanju napak. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 2008.
- ŠKRJANC, Igor. Self-adaptive supervisory predictive functional control of a hybrid semi-batch reactor with constraints. Chem. eng. j., vol. 136, no. 2/3, pp. 312-319, 2008.
- ŠKRJANC, Igor. Model predictive functional control for processes with unstable poles. Asian j. Control, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 1-7, 2008.
- KLANČAR, Gregor, ŠKRJANC, Igor. Discussion on: "Optimality properties and driver input parameterization for trail-braking cornering".. European journal of control, vol. 14, 4, pp. 321-326, 2008.
- Javier Causa, Gorazd Karer, Alfredo Núnez, Doris Sáez, Igor Škrjanc, Borut Zupančič. Hybrid fuzzy predictive control based on genetic algorithms for the temperature control of a batch reactor. Computers and Chemical Engineering 32 (2008) 3254–3263, 2008.
- V. Logar, I. Škrjanc, A. Belič, S. Brežan, B. Koritnik, J. Zidar. Identification of the phase code in an EEG during gripping-force tasks: A possible alternative approach to the development of the brain-computer interfaces. Artificial intelligence in medicine, Volume 44, Issue 1, pp. 41-49, 2008.
- Gorazd Karer, Igor Škrjanc, Borut Zupančič. Self-adaptive predictive functional control of the temperature in an exothermic batch reactor. Chemical Engineering and Processing, 2008.
- Gorazd Karer, Gašper Mušič, Igor Škrjanc, Borut Zupančič. Model predictive control of nonlinear hybrid systems with discrete inputs employing a hybrid fuzzy model. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 2 (2008) 491-509, 2008.
- V. Logar, I. Škrjanc, A. Belič, R. Karba, S. Brežan, B. Koritnik, J. Zidar. Gripping-force identification using EEG and phase-demodulation approach. Neuroscience Research, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 389-396, 2008.
- Igor Skrjanc. Coprime-factorized Model Predictive Control for Unstable Processes with Delay. J. Intell. Robotic Syst. 49(3): 237-251 (2007), 2007.
- Igor Skrjanc. A Decomposed-model Predictive Functional Control Approach to Air-vehicle Pitch-angle Control. J. Intell. Robotic Syst. 48(1): 115-127 (2007), 2007.
- Igor Škrjanc. Adaptive Supervisory Predictive Control of a Hybrid Fed-Batch Reactor with Slow Actuator. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2007, 46, 8050-8057, 2007.
- Blažič, S., I. Škrjanc. Design and stability analysis of fuzzy model-based predictive control - a case study. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 279-292, 2007.
- Teslić, L., Klančar, G., Škrjanc I.. Simulation of a mobile robot with an LRF in a 2D environment and map building. Lecture notes in control and information sciences, str. 239-246, ilustr., 2007.
- OBLAK, Simon, ŠKRJANC, Igor, BLAŽIČ, Sašo. Fault detection for nonlinear systems with uncertain parameters based on the interval fuzzy model. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 20, str. 503–510, 2007.
- Gorazd Karer, Gašper Mušič, Igor Škrjanc, Borut Zupančič. Hybrid Fuzzy Modelling for Model Predictive Control. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 50, pp. 297-319, 2007.
- Klančar, G., I. Škrjanc. Tracking-error model-based predictive control for mobile robots in real time. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 460-469, 2007.
- Karer, G., I. Škrjanc, G. Mušič and B. Zupančič. Hybrid fuzzy model-based predictive control of temperature in a batch reactor. Computers and Chemical Engineering, Vol. 31, pp. 1552-1564, 2007.
- Simon Oblak, Igor Skrjanc. Nonlinear Model-predictive Control of Wiener-type Systems in Continuous-time Domain Using a Fuzzy-system Function Approximation. FUZZ-IEEE 2006: 2203-2208, 2006.
- Alfredo Núnez, Doris Sáez, Simon Oblak, Igor Skrjanc. Hybrid Predictive Control based on Fuzzy Model. FUZZ-IEEE 2006: 1947-1953, 2006.
- Igor Škrjanc. Pitch Angle Control of Unmanned Air Vehicle with Uncertain System Parameters. J Intell Robot Syst (2006) 47: 285–297, 2006.
- S. Gerkšič, G. Dolanc, D. Vrančić, J. Kocijan, S. Strmčnik, S. Blažič, I. Škrjanc, Z. Marinšek, M. Božiček, A. Stathaki, R. King, M. Hadjiski, K. Boshnakov. Advanced control algorithms embedded in a programmable logic controller. Control Engineering Practice, Volume 14, Issue 8, pp. 935-948, 2006.
- I. Škrjanc, S. Blažič. Predictive Functional Control Based on Fuzzy Model: Design and Stability Study. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems Publisher: Springer Science+Business Media B.V., Formerly Kluwer Academic Publishers B.V. Volume 43, Numbers 2-4, Pages: 283 - 299, 2005.
- Škrjanc, I., S. Blažič, O. Agamennoni. Interval fuzzy modeling applied to Wiener models with uncertainties. IEEE SMC-part B , pp. 1092- 1095, 2005.
- Škrjanc, I., S. Blažič, O. Agamennoni. Interval Fuzzy Model Identification Using l_oo-Norm. IEEE FS, pp. 561- 568, 2005.
- Škrjanc, I., S. Blažič, O. Agamenonni. Identification of dynamical systems with a robust interval fuzzy model. Automatica,vol. 41, str. 327-332, 2005.
- Marko Lepetic, Gregor Klancar, Igor Skrjanc, Drago Matko, Bostjan Potocnik. Path Optimisation Considering Dynamic Constraints. RoboCup 2004: 574-585, 2004.
- O. Agamennoni, I. Škrjanc, M. Lepetić, H. Chiacchiarini, D. Matko. Nonlinear Uncertainty Model of a Magnetic Suspension System. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 40 (2004) 1075-1087, 2004.
- Škrjanc, I., S. Blažič, S. Oblak and J. Richalet. An approach to predictive control of multivariable time-delayed plant: stability and design issues. ISA Transactions, Vol. 43, pp. 585-595, 2004.
- Igor Skrjanc, Saso Blazic, J. Richalet, Drago Matko. Multivariable Predictive Control of Air Conditioning Plant. Modelling, Identification and Control 2003: 332-336, 2003.
- Lepetič, M., G. Klančar, I. Škrjanc, D. Matko, B. Potočnik. Time optimal planning considering acceleration limits. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 45, pp. 199-210, 2003.
- Lepetič M., I. Škrjanc, H. G. Chiacchiarini and D. Matko. Predictive functional control based on fuzzy model : comparison with linear predictive functional control and PID control. J. intell. robot. syst., vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 467-480, 2003.
- Lepetič M., I. Škrjanc, H. G. Chiacchiarini and D. Matko. Predictive functional control based on fuzzy model : magnetic suspension system case study. Eng. appl. artif. intell., vol. 16, pp. 425-430., 2003.
- Blažič S., I. Škrjanc and D. Matko. Globally stable direct fuzzy model reference adaptive control. Fuzzy sets syst., vol. 139, no. 1, pp. 3-33, 2003.
- Škrjanc, I., S. Blažič and D. Matko. Model-reference fuzzy adaptive control as a framework for nonlinear system control. J. intell. robot. syst., vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 331-347, 2003.
- Gregor Klančar, Igor Škrjanc. Metoda glavnih komponent pri odkrivanju in izolaciji napak: primer hidravliˇcnega procesa in procesa fermentacije. Elektrotehniˇski vestnik 69(5): 311–316, 2002, 2002.
- Igor Škrjanc, Sasš Blažič , Drago Matko. Direct Fuzzy Model-Reference Adaptive Control. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 17(10): 943-963 (2002), 2002.
- Blažič, S., I. Škrjanc and D. Matko. Globally stable model reference adaptive control based on fuzzy description of the plant. Int. J. Systems Science, Vol. 33, No.12, pp.995-1012, 2002.
- Igor Skrjanc, Saso Blazic, Drago Matko. Direct Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Process Based on Fuzzy Model. FUZZ-IEEE 2001: 497-500, 2001.
- Škrjanc, I., D. Matko. Fuzzy predictive Functional Control in the State Space Domain. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic systems, 31, pp. 283-297, 2001.
- Škrjanc, I., B. Zupančič, B. Furlan, A. Krainer. Theoretical and experimental Fuzzy modelling of building thermal dynamic response. Build. environ., Vol. 36, No. 9, pp. 1023-1038, 2001.
- Škrjanc, I., D. Matko. Predictive functional control based on fuzzy model for heat-exchanger pilot plant. IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst. 8(6): 705-712 (2000), 2000.
- Škrjanc, I., D. Matko. Fuzzy Adaptive and Predictive Control of a Thermic Process in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems. Theory and Applications (N. K. Sinha and M. M. Gupta, eds.), Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 519-547, 2000.
- Matko, D., I. Škrjanc, G. Mušič. Robustness of fuzzy control and its application to a thermal plant. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 51, pp. 254-255, 2000.
- Igor Skrjanc, Drago Matko. Fuzzy Adaptive Control of the Highly Nonlinear Heat-Exchanger Plant. IEA/AIE (Vol. 2) 1998: 928-937, 1998.
- Igor Škrjanc, Katarina Kavšek-Biasizzo, Drago Matko. Real-Time Fuzzy Adaptive Control. EngngApplic. Artif. lntell. Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 53-61, 1997, 1997.
- Škrjanc, I., K. Kavsek - Biasizzo, D. Matko, Oliver Hecker. Fuzzy Predictive Control Based on Relational Matrix Models. Computers chem. Engng Vol. 20, Suppl., pp. S847-S852, 1996, Esvier Science Ltd, Pergamon, 1996.
- Škrjanc, I., D.Matko. Fuzzy predictive controller with adaptive gain. In: Advances in Model - Based Predictive Control, Oxford Science Publications, (Ed. David Clarke), 1994, pp. 370-385, 1994.
- Miloš Antić. Izvedba sistema za preprečevanje trkov mobilnega sistema na podlagi detekcije ovir s stereo kamero. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 2019.
- Grega Jezeršek. Lokalizacija oddajnika v zaprtem prostoru z uporabo inercialnega navigacijskega sistema. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 2018.
- Žan Batistič. Avtomatsko generiranje referenčnih profilov taljenja jekla v elektro obločni peči. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 2018.
- Goran Andonovski. Samorazvijajoči se sistemi pri spremljanju invodenju procesov (Evolving systems in process monitoring and control). Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 2018.
- Žiga Stržinar. Modeliranje in zaznavanje napak v klimatskih sistemih. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 2017.
- KLANČAR, Gregor, ZDEŠAR, Andrej, BLAŽIČ, Sašo, ŠKRJANC, Igor. Wheeled mobile robotics : from fundamentals towards autonomous systems. Oxford; Cambridge (MA): Butterworth-Heinemann, cop. 2017. IX, 491 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-0-12-804204-5., 2017.
- Gregor Černe. Kratkoročno napovedovanje porabe električne energije z uporabo mehkih TakagiSugeno modelov. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 2016.
- Simon Tomažič. Lokalizacija v notranjem okolju z uporabo pametnega telefona. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 2016.
- Žiga Petrič. Vodenje invertiranega sferičnega nihala z robotom tipa SCARA. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 2014.
- M. Lepetič, G. Klančar, I. Škrjanc, D. Matko, B. Potočnik. Path planning and path tracking for nonholonomic robots. In: Liu, John X. (ed.). Mobile robots : new research. New York: Nova Science, cop. pp. 341-364, 2005.
- Škrjanc, I., D. Matko. Fuzzy Adaptive and Predictive Control of a Thermic Process. in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems: Theory and Aplications (N.K. Sinha and M.M. Gupta, eds.), Academic Press, SanDiego, CA, USA, pp. 519-547, 1999.
- Škrjanc, I., D. Matko. Fuzzy adaptive control versus model reference adaptive control of mutable processes. Methods and Applications of Intelligent Control, S.G. Tzafestas (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Printed in the Netherlands, 1997, pp. 197-216, 1997.
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