Doctoral study, 3rd cycle
Doctoral study Electrical engineering lasts 3 years and has 180 ECTS. The programme mainly focuses on independent creative work of students who are guided by their mentors. The organised part comprises 60 ECTS: 4 subjects(4x5=20 ECTS), two seminars(2x5=10 ECTS), preparation of doctoral theme (10 ECTS) and doctoral dissertation (20 ECTS).
Doctoral study - Department of systems, control and cybernetics
Subjects of the Department of systems, control and cybernetics
Members of the Department of systems, control and cybernetics are responsible for nine subjects:
Selected topics of complex systems control design (Maja Atanasijević-Kunc)
- Modelling, identification and simulation of biological systems (Aleš Belič)
- Machine vision (Stanislav Kovačič)
- Advanced control of autonomous systems (Drago Matko)
- Stohastic processes and signals (France Mihelič)
- Methods of control algorithms development and analysis (Gašper Mušič)
- Pattern recognition (Nikola Pavešič)
- Intelligent control in modern systems (Igor Škrjanc)
- Object oriented modelling (Borut Zupančič)